After Mrs. Boone evaluated the patient and assumed the presence of an ACL disturbance, Conner will go back to Dr.Slauterbeck for an evaluation

Statistically, men have a higher percentage of ACL tears, however, when football is taken out of the percentage, women are 4 to 10 times more likely to receive an ACL energy than men. The reason behind this is that women are more quadricep dominant rather than hamstring dominant. Women tend to fire their quadricep muscles faster than their hamstring muscles, which makes them more prone to ACL injury because the hamstring muscle is so important to protecting the ACL. The likelihood of experiencing an ACL injury increases with the fact of if your parents experienced an ACL injury in their youth. The probability of attaining an ACL injury also increases with the fact of your activeness throughout the year.
ACL tears will occur when more than 2000 newtons of force are applied to the knee. Any unnatural movement can trigger the tear. In former ACL patients, many people experience lack of cartilage and arthritis in their later years. People who are bigger built and larger are more likely to receive an ACL tear.
You cannot fully repair the ACL, you must take out the hamstring or patella tendon.