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Medical air transport


Joslyn Upshaw

What is it?

Medical air assistance is used to assist injured victims to medical attention in limited time. The first form of air transportation was seen in the 1700s through a system of hot air balloons. Victims would be airlifted by hot air balloons. Over the years, efficiency and effectiveness grew and became more advanced throughout the years.


there are multiple limitations when it comes to air transport. the most obvious and apparent is weather. Many companies will ground all flights when the conditions reach that severity, especially if the recieving hospital of the patient is not properly supplied for the landing, lighting, area, and pads that are necessary for landing. Another factor that could possibly limit the ability of air transportation is the cost. price of aviation fuel and necessary medical equipment is much more than ground ambulances. maintaining aircraft and equipment is laborious and extremely time consuming.


The hands on activity that was provided along with this briefing was very unique. the activity required four people, playing Mario cart. You had to complete the whole route and compete against others. However the catch was that you had to wear restrictive eye gear that would limit your eyesight to the bottom half of your screen and only your controls. This was suppose to attempt a simulation similar to what restrictions that pilots may face when transporting victims.

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