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The placebo effect


Jarnae Harris

by: Camille Abel


the placebo effect is a condition that concerns your mind and false impressions. It is said to be a faulty or faux impression of something that makes you feel like you are still having the same effects. For example, if you were to hand someone a drink and tell them it was strong alcohol(when its not), the person might still exhibits symptoms or traits that you would see in a drunk or influenced person.

Placebos are intended not to target specific symptoms or bodily systems, but rather are used to manipulate the brain and its function over the patients. It is a real condition that many American's can be seen having effects of. Our brain can associate reason and feelings together to create a physical outcome. To demonstrate the reason behind this effect, we had a hands on demonstration that exposed the placebo effect. Three different colored cups were filled with either expensive water, cheap water, or mid-priced water. We were tasked to take a sip of each cup and determine which was which. All the results were nearly similar, however, when the answer was exposed: only one person had gotten it right. It displayed the faux impressionability we can have on each other and how largely our mind can dictate things.

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