What is the NICU?
~neonatal intensive care unit is an intensive care unit that specializes in the care of ill or premature newborns
"Go Bag"
~ suction catheters
~water container
~sterile lubricant
~sterile saline
~extra trach tubes
~blunt ended scissors
~suction machine
~ a surgical opening in the trachea
PICC line
~central line that goes straight to the heart
Nasogastric feeding tube
~feed child
~give different nutrition/medication
~It goes through the nose and goes to the stomach
How to put in the tube?
~measure the NG tube: earlobe to bell y button
~prop chest up
~place lubricant on tube and insert into clear nostril aiming for the opposite eye
~gagging and coughing can be treated with pacifier, swallowing, and spitting
~tape NG tube to child's cheek